small snippets of inspiring things.



QuintEssential = Thoughts + Likes + Loves + All the 'Need Nows'

So I am not the girl that keeps a diary, or a journal, or over-analyses any of my feelings or thoughts. I'm not quite sure why. I'm thinking it's probably to do with the fact that all that stuff just seems like way too much effort.

However, I am the girl who bookmarks my favourite images in magazines each month. I am the girl who will forego nights out and fun outings so that I can afford some ridiculously expensive piece - which in hindsight is useless because if I can't afford to go out, it means I'm carrying my Chanel around the house teamed with my trackies. Go figure.

All this said, I am the girl who likes to feel inspired. I love anything that appeals to the senses - fashion, art, music, colour, breathtaking trends. I love how these can make you feel.

So this is why I have created this blog. I am technologically backward, so we will see how this goes. To some this blog may just seem like I am talking out of my arse, and to be honest, maybe I am, but I am going to treat this project as my first journal. Effort and all. I'm not really one to talk about feelings - (particularly on the Internet) so this is my journal of everything that inspires me. Everything that appeals, all of my likes and loves, and some things that grind me the wrong way. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, Chanel should be worn with trackies. And you can pull it off, bedroom eyes.
